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AMA全实录 | Verso CEO Gregor直播分享会“Verso,改变规则的玩家”

Verso AMA 第2期

话题 | Verso,改变规则的玩家

深度剖析震荡行情下 Verso 的破局之路

访谈嘉宾 Verso CEO Gregor Arn

主持人 Verso 中国社群志愿者 海洋

直播翻译 Misha

2021年5月26日北京时间晚上19:00,Verso CEO Gregor Arn,神秘空降Verso官方中国社群,为大家带来一场主题为“Verso改变规则的玩家,深度剖析震荡行情下Verso的破局之路”的精彩直播分享会。

直播中社群群友提出了很多问题,CEO Gregor Arn 非常耐心,一一给大家做出了解答,以下就是直播的纯文字版,欢迎大家阅读学习:


主持人海洋:大家晚上好,我是Verso中文社群志愿者海洋,很高兴跟Verso中文官方社群的小伙伴们一起在群内互动,今天直播的主题是“Verso,改变规则的玩家,深度剖析震荡行情下Verso的破局之路”。我们很荣幸的邀请到了一位重量级嘉宾 — Verso CEO Gregor Arn来跟大家一起探讨今天的主题!

在我们提问之前,请Gregor Arn向Verso中国社区简要介绍一下自己,并分享一下创立Verso的背景?
Before we dive into thequestions, can you briefly introduce yourself to the Chinese Verso community, and share some background on your journey to found Verso?

Verso CEO Gregor Arn:I have been an evangelist for inclusive financial services for many years, specifically in emerging markets. I launched the first social payments app in the Philippines in 2015-16 and we struggled to scale the product due to the lack of small-value cross-border payment rails. I then went on to build it with a team of payments experts and we started Wallet Engine, which today is a bank-like financial institution providing in-app wallets and user-to-user payment capabilities for apps with a cross-border user base.
我多年来一直是普惠金融服务的支持者,尤其是在新兴市场。2015-16年,我在菲律宾推出了第一个社交支付应用,由于缺乏小额度的跨境支付通道,我们在扩大产品规模上遇到了困难。后来我又和一个支付专家团队一起创办了Wallet Engine,如今它是一个类似银行的金融机构,为拥有跨境用户群的应用提供应用内钱包和点对点的支付功能。

Tell us how this launch idea came up with Verso, How did all begin?

Verso CEO Gregor Arn:As we were talking to customers of Wallet Engine and their users, mostly in emerging markets, we realised that embedded stored value is just the beginning. It is the foundation for so many more financial products that matter in the daily lives of people. This is particularly the case for micro finance, such as a short-term loan of $50 or a 5-day travel insurance while taking a journey to visit family.

We were approached by insurance companies who wanted to plug into Wallet Engine todistribute their micro-insurance products, but it quickly became obvious thatthe potential is much bigger, especially given the new products coming out ofDeFi too. At the end of the day, there are billions of people who have a needfor microfinance but for most of them, these products are not accessible due tothe unit economics and complexity.

We envision Verso being an industry standard to distribute microfinance productsin a scalable manner by connecting locally regulated e-wallets and banks withfinancial service providers, such as insurance companies, lenders, DeFiproviders, etc. The ultimate goal is to enable users to conveniently access theproducts they need through their existing app experience.

主持人海洋:这确实是刚需,那么请问Verso Launchpad首先选择在Avalanche区块链上线,这是为什么呢?
The launch of the Verso Launchpad is the first to take place on the Avalanche blockchain, what has it meant for you?

Verso CEO Gregor Arn:We started to look at Avalanche as we needed a blockchain solution capable of high volume - low value processing. The high gas fees on Ethereum make the usage of DeFi for small amounts unrealistic. You cannot have a micro loan of 50 USD and pay 70 USD in gas fees for that. Avalanche was a perfect alternative and as we started looking further into it, we realised the impressive growth of the Avalanche ecosystem and the active community. This turned out to be a tremendous value add and the support we have received from the Avalanche team as well as from TrustSwap is invaluable for a startup with a big vision.

主持人海洋:原来是这样, "Verso生态系统作为市场层,一头是提供CeFi和DeFi产品的持牌金融机构,另一头是使用数字钱包、数字银行的消费者"。这就像CeFi和DeFi之间的一座神奇的桥梁,可以这样比喻吗?
“The Verso ecosystem serves as a market layerconnecting licensed financial institutions offering regulated financialproducts (CeFi), decentralised financial products (DeFi), and consumers whointeract with digital wallets or digital banks”. It is just like a marvelous bridge between CeFi and DeFi, can we pitch it like that?

Verso CEO Gregor Arn:Today, there are over 3,000 regulated e-wallets around the world and billions of people are used to these e-wallets and trust them already. In that sense, Verso is the “marvelous bridge” and helps to distribute financial products directly to these existing wallets and their users.

That sounds really ambitious, can you talk aboutyour 2021 roadmap?

Verso CEO Gregor Arn:We expect to have the first live product being distributed through a regulated e-wallet by the end of 2021. All the partnerships for this are in place and the development roadmaps are currently being fine tuned.


What can Gate.io users who are not that deep on Avalanche could expect from Verso?

Verso CEO Gregor Arn:For users on Gate.io, Verso is interesting as it is a new project on Avalanche with tremendous visibility and room to grow. It’s a great learning opportunity as well, because during times of scalability issues on other chains Avalanche and Verso have no issues with their token transactions (on both gate.io and Pangolin) and will enjoy low fees and fast transaction through put on our future services as well.
How have you been received by the Avalanche blockchain community?

Verso CEO Gregor Arn:We just started out and the feedback has been very positive. It appears like the Avalanche community is in it for the long run and people are really supportive of projects like ours who build the pipes to connect the fragmented world of finance. Other blockchain projects on Avalanche have reached out and offered to collaborate and support us in growth.

What can Avalanche users expect from this collaboration?

Verso CEO Gregor Arn:Verso connects to regulated e-wallets and digital banks. As such we arein a reputational business and see a great opportunity to also educate traditional financial service providers in terms of the advantages of blockchain-based products, the possibilities with hybrid finance, and specifically the high volume low value capabilities with Avalanche.

What are the objectives to be achieved for theAvalanche blockchain after this first launch?

Verso CEO Gregor ArnOur objective is to demonstrate the relevance of DeFi products in emerging markets. People who have $20 in an e-Wallet in the Philippines should be able to put that money into a yield generating product for a few days and earn an interest on it. 


Can you tell us more about whether there will befuture releases similar to this one in 2021?

Verso CEO Gregor Arn:We are stillfinalising the detailed roadmap for 2021 and several products will also depend on partners. Right now we’re talking to some of the apps building on Wallet Engine and we have already identified some who are willing to add DeFi products into their user journeys and become part of the Verso early adopters program.


1、Verso 官网全英文的,不方便国内用户使用,请问会增加中文版的吗?
Verso's official website is in English, which is not convenient for Chinese users. Will you have a Chinese version? 

Verso CEO Gregor Arn:Yes, we are planning to revamp the website in the coming months. We will add other languages to it as well.

What experiences can regular users participate in now?

Verso CEO Gregor Arn:Verso is primarily between DeFi product providers, CeFi insurance and lending companies and connects them to regulated e-wallets and banks. Consumers/users will get access to all the products on Verso via their favourite apps, example an e-wallet or bank app.

Is there geographical limit for Loan products on Avalanche?

Verso CEO Gregor Arn:Avalanche is a global blockchain for future finance. There is no geographical limit. Loan products on Verso are also not limited, but we have a validation step that ensures compliance with local rules.

4、狗狗币能成功的原因之一就是因为狗狗币具有强大的社区人群,那么Verso 会如何在中国做强大,并扩展中文社区人群呢?
One of the reasons Dogecoin has been successful is because it has a strong community. So how will Verso make it strong in China and expand the Chinese community?

Verso CEO Gregor Arn:Verso is built for the regulated financial world and involves everyone to participate via community governance. We just started and there will be more announcements coming. I can already share here that later today we announce a Bonanza Week on Gate.io starting tomorrow. There is over $18,000 in price money :-)
Verso是为受监管的金融世界而建立的,并通过社区治理让每个人都参与进来。我们才刚刚开始,未来会有更多好消息等着大家。今天晚些时候我就可以在这里分享。我们宣布从明天开始,在Gate.io上将会有一个狂欢周。有超过18,000美元的悬赏金哦 :-)

I am worried about being liquidated due to the fluctuation of the currency price when I use the lending platform, what about the standards on Verso?

Verso CEO Gregor Arn:Verso does not create lending products by itself, it's always a third party. But, you will be interested to hear that Verso will also connect CeFi lending providers. This means any lending company can build a product on Verso and distribute it directly to local e-Wallets. A CeFi loan can also be an unsecured loan in FIAT money that does not require any collateral.

Are there any products on Verso? Can we make a profit from them?

Verso CEO Gregor Arn:The first products on the Verso marketplace will be yield products, lending products and micro insurance products. There will be several new categories possible as Verso is compatible with both, DeFi and CeFi. This means, an insurance company can create a product and only underwrite 50% of it, the rest can be underwritten by people via DeFi products. This opens up very new opportunities to generate returns.

7、作为币圈的老韭菜,我有个币圈都关心的问题 。请介绍一下 Verso代币的流通量和分发情况 ,Verso 会有流动性挖矿吗 ?
Please tell us about the circulation and distribution of Verso tokens, and does Verso have farming yield? 

Verso CEO Gregor Arn:Yes, it actually just started yesterday! :-) You can already provide liquidity for VSO-AVAX and VSO-PNG and earn Pangolin tokens (PNG) as rewards. Pangolin is the DEX of Avalanche blockchain. Super cheap, super fast :-)
是的,其实昨天就开始了!:-) 你已经可以为VSO-AVAX和VSO-PNG提供流动性,并获得穿山甲代币(PNG)作为奖励。Pangolin是Avalanche区块链的DEX。超级便宜,超级快:-)

The majority of tokens are still locked up and we have very long vesting periods. As an example, the team tokens vest over 24 months.

8、那Verso 未来会跨链吗?币安智能链上就有较大的用户基数,并且GAS低廉使用便捷,Verso 是否会上币安智能链呢?
Will Verso work cross chain in the future? There is a large user base on the Binance smart chain, and GAS is cheap and easy to use. Will Verso integrates with Binance smart chain? 

Verso CEO Gregor Arn:Yes, but right now the platform will only be on Avalanche because of the ultra-low transaction fees and the fast speed. But I can also say that we are partnering with a cross-chain DEX that will make it possible to move assets between Avalanche and Ethereum, incl. VSO :-) it will be announced in less than 10 days :-)
是的,但现在我们的平台只在Avalanche上运行,因为其交易费用超低且速度快。但我们正在与一个跨链DEX合作,这将使资产在Avalanche和Ethereum之间流动成为可能,包括VSO :-)10天内就会宣布了 :-)

9、Verso具备独树一帜的金融功能 ,能否透露一下 Verso目前在和国内哪些金融服务提供商洽谈,具体下一步哪一项具体的金融服务?
Verso has a unique financial function, can you tell us which financial service providers Verso is currently talking to in China and which specific financial service is in your next step? 

Verso CEO Gregor Arn:We cannot yet share details on all the partnerships. But I can say there will be an announcement this Friday or Saturday about the partnership with Wallet Engine, a regulated financial institution in Singapore. Wallet Engine provides in-app wallets for different apps such as gaming apps and streaming apps. Some of these users are in China too.
我们还不能分享所有关于合作关系的细节。但我可以说,本周五或周六我们将宣布与新加坡受监管的金融机构Wallet Engine达成合作。Wallet Engine为不同的应用程序提供应用内钱包,如游戏应用程序和流媒体应用程序。其中一些用户也在中国。

10、Verso 为什么不首先上一线交易所,那么未来是否会上 火币 、币安 ,之类的主流交易所呢?
Why Verso not be listed on leading exchanges first ? Whether in the future it will be listed on Huobi, Binance or other mainstream exchanges? 

Verso CEO Gregor Arn:As we are bulding on Avalanche, we wanted to list on Avalanche Pangolin Exchange first. The partnership with Gate.io did open the Avalanche possibilities to other users. We are currently talking to other exchanges too and you can expect to hear updates on listings in the weeks to come.

主持人海洋: 感谢您的精彩回答!
Thank you for answering these questions!

关于Gregor Arn

他自2014年以来一直专注于新兴市场,包容性金融服务的传播者和充满激情的金融技术企业家。Gregor在创办Wallet Engine之前,在菲律宾推出了第一个社交支付应用,是一家位于新加坡的钱包即服务供应商,为跨境应用提供嵌入式金融支持。 
Verso总部位于瑞士加密,Verso由Wallet Engine的创始人Gregor Arn创建,Wallet Engine是新加坡的一家受监管的公司,它在过去三年中拿到了所有需要的牌照,并一直在发展与核心银行解决方案如Manbu的合作伙伴关系,并在过去几年中取得了令人非常好的进展。已经能够整合28款应用,每个应用拥有100万用户。他们正在开发43款应用,用户数量高达7000万,Gregor Arn将这两个项目将紧密合作以将DeFi推向大众市场。Wallet Engine将成为创建后端小额金融解决方案的网络,而Verso将以白标形式将网络与市场链接起来。







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